Our Sourcing Process

Supplier Linkup is the Bridge for Sourcing and Promoting Reliable Products

Our sourcing process has several important steps. First, we understand your needs. Then, we match technical specifications with China factory capabilities to create drawings and parameters. Next, we research the market and gather bids from suppliers. Once we have the information, we provide you with a quote and can arrange for sample production or factory visits. After that, we sign contracts to ensure quality during mass production and handle clearance and shipment

How We Get What You Expect?

We leverage our industry knowledge to organize and filter relevant information. We begin by providing you with contacts and verified company information, which comprise our starter package for sourcing products from China. In the subsequent stage, we can facilitate online meetings between you and the suppliers to showcase their products and factory capacity. In the event of significant purchases, you may also request a site visit.

The Process

  • Requirement Analysis: Gather and clarify all the necessary details, including specifications, quantity, quality standards, and target price range.
  • Supplier Research: This process includes online searches, industry directories, trade shows, and networking to find suitable suppliers and checking the public information in local internet.
  • Supplier Evaluation: Evaluating and shortlisting suppliers involves assessing their capabilities, reliability, past performance, and compliance with the required standards. 
  • Communication and Negotiation: Finalizing terms, negotiate prices, and reach mutually agreed-upon agreements. We will arrange online meetings and offline visit if necessary. 
  • Sampling and Product Testing: This allows for assessing the quality, functionality, and compliance of the samples with the required standards. We may request the delivery of the product to your shop before making a mass purchase.
  • Order Placement: Once the sample testing is complete and the terms are finalized, it typically takes a few days for Supplier Linkup team to complete the necessary documentation and finalize the purchase agreement.
  • Production and Quality Control: we have a local team to support the quality control and inspection before goods packaged and delivered, we will also refer this in the contract. 
  • Logistics and Shipping:  Coordinating logistics and shipping arrangements, including transportation, customs clearance, and tracking.
  • After-Sales Support: The Supplier Linkup team provides post-sales support that may require ongoing engagement and assistance with product compliance and communication.

How to Start the Sourcing

It is simply a click away to start our cooperation.
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