

Efficient sourcing at your fingertips: Post your sourcing requests and get in touch with our team for a prompt discussion. It is difficult to compare prices if we don’t know your specific requirements, so it would be helpful if you could provide as much detail as possible. We encourage you to include a picture with explained specifications to aid our understanding.

If you are adding innovation to a product already on the market, please share similar products you are searching for. We understand the need for confidentiality, so feel free to keep the information non-disclosive.

Generally, the information we would like to hear from you includes materials, dimensions, Pantone colors, process requirements, type of testing, packaging, quantity, and delivery time (if applicable) for those in the material and equipment category. For those in the service category, please share the services you have used and what you are currently seeking.

If you prefer, you can download the editable form and send it to 

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